Working together, developing quality employees for Finney County area businesses
Finney County Workforce Connection was formed in April 2014 to create an aggressive community-wide campaign to recruit, enhance, and retain a sustainable workforce in the Finney County region.
To achieve this goal, we work together to identify, create, and utilize important partnerships and resources in the community and surrounding area.
Through collaboration of local organizations, the workforce initiative is able to provide information, assistance, and action through numerous channels.
This creates a unified effort on behalf of the community and provides our citizens, businesses, and future community members with the most efficient and effective services available in the area.
FCWC Brochure
Please click on this link to view the Finney County Workforce Connection brochure.
Second Thursday of the month, 8:30 am at GCHS
Group Objectives:
- Promote Finney County opportunties to our youth.
- Encourage youth to stay in Finney County after completion of education or training.
- Prepare youth for long-term career success and good citizenship.
Second Tuesday of the month, 11am at GCCC
Group Objectives
- Increase awareness of the importance of employee retention.
- Improve employers' access to information and tools to support their ability to retain employees.
- Identify under-employed and unemployed workforce in Finney County.
- Reach out to under-employed and unemployed from out-of-area.
- Partner with the Youth Development Committee to identify students ready to enter the workforce upon completion of education.
Third Thursday of the month, 10 am at FCEDC
Group Objective:
- Provide training and placement opportunities for those currently re-entering society.
Meets second Tuesday of the month as needed, 2:30 pm, KansasWorks
Group Objectives:
- Develop a comprehensive marketing campaign to include multiple distribution channels with a focus on career and job opportunities, quality of life in the Finney County area, and promoting awareness of the collective efforts of the Finney County Workforce Connection.
- Identify and develop partners and relationships.
- Identify educational and financial resouces.